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Author Archives: motociclante

If you happen to have passion for style…

This seems to be a really wonderful adventure. She’s a cute girl from Italy and she’s very clever in hat for woman creations. Take a tour on her website.

20 Jobs of the future

Have you ever wanted to know something about the jobs of the future? Here you are a presentation from slide share about the 20 most important jobs, predicted. Some of […]

Quando ancora si vendeva l’anima al Diavolo

Segue un onirico dialogo tra un intervistatore immaginario ed il Diavolo. [Intervistatore] Salve, Diavolo. Buona sera [Diavolo] Buona sera. [I] La stiamo intervistando in merito ad una pratica piuttosto recente […]

TI MSP-EXP430G2 – Hello world

Hi folks, as I promised to myself, I’ve started playng with MCUs. I’d like to get started with Arduino board but, the big deal with TI Stellaris Launchpad was to […]

And the MCU’s adventure keep on going: TI MSP430EXP-G2

In the mean time I’l get the two couples of boards from Stellairs Launchpad, I decided to buy one MSP430-G2 board. At the very beginning it seemed to me a […]