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IT world

News from the world, related to IT, security or Cloud Computing

Le frodi nella rete – Il duplice ruolo dell’ICT

Le Frodi nella Rete – Il duplice ruolo dell’ICT Con grande soddisfazione vado a pubblicizzare l’ultimo lavoro fatto in collaborazione con tantissimi esperti e professionisti del settore informatico e non […]

Philip Seymour Hoffman and the hoax of the hoax. Searching for true

Died or not, the P.S. Hoffman’s death has really brought up to light one of the biggest threat for the information system. Actually, a couple of coincidences does the trick […]

20 Jobs of the future

Have you ever wanted to know something about the jobs of the future? Here you are a presentation from slide share about the 20 most important jobs, predicted. Some of […]

Quando ancora si vendeva l’anima al Diavolo

Segue un onirico dialogo tra un intervistatore immaginario ed il Diavolo. [Intervistatore] Salve, Diavolo. Buona sera [Diavolo] Buona sera. [I] La stiamo intervistando in merito ad una pratica piuttosto recente […]

And the MCU’s adventure keep on going: TI MSP430EXP-G2

In the mean time I’l get the two couples of boards from Stellairs Launchpad, I decided to buy one MSP430-G2 board. At the very beginning it seemed to me a […]